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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Singapore Finishes Strong - Day 2

As the first GLS site in 2009 draws to a close, we thought you would be inspired by hearing about its conclusion as told below:

Day Two GLS in Singapore was full of heart.

Beginning the day with the Heath Brothers there was laughter and connection. People were challenged to highlight the ‘Bright Spots’ of success in their leadership and discussion time again was hard to stop!

At lunchtime we hosted a Foreign Delegates luncheon with the four countries who are hosting GLS for the first time either this year or next, and the support personnel from Singapore and Australia who will work alongside them to assist them in any way possible. As reps from each country stood and shared from their hearts some of the difficulties they are facing, there were moments where ‘you could have heard a pin drop’. They were all inspired to go back to their countries and do the very best with what they have. For some, this is not a lot...but they will still give all they have to make the GLS a reality. The needs ranged from no projector powerful enough in their country, to marketing difficulties because of political pressure, to finances, to unity amongst churches...all very real and poignant.

After lunch, Wes Stafford took the screen. A ministry time for healing and forgiveness was led by the Facilitator [the person at the GLS who leads discussion times] who himself shared he had been through many ‘calvary’ moments that were what has shaped him over the years. Some people stayed in their seats, some came forward to the front of the auditorium...Tears were shed and people knelt on the floor in worship and surrender.

The last session saw us start with our Volunteer Appreciation moment. A brief DVD and the doors were flung open, the band began to play and more than 150 volunteers filed down the four isles [it took an entire minute for them to enter] and up onto the stage. All dressed in black pants and red shirts...it was quite a sight to behold. The audience broke into a spontaneous standing ovation [not a common thing in this part of the world] and the clapping was thunderous! The appreciation of others is surely one of the greatest things we do as leaders. We then prayed that we would continue to have the heart of Christ who came to be the Servant of all...that we would serve the Kingdom in a selfless, sacrificial way. Then, Harvey Carey began and it was a perfect end to the day. The band was ready when his last words were uttered.."Is there anybody here who is ready to see the church be the church? Then Give God a praise!” ...and people jumped to their feet.

As you can tell, it was an extremely impactful event. Our prayer is that these leaders will be forever impacted, that their leadership will grow to what God has created and called it to be, and that as a result, the church in Singapore will never be the same. Check back for updates from our next events, taking place October 2-3.


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